Let’s talk about the secret to success for a female in business. Hint: There isn’t one.

As a CEO, who happens to be a woman, I get asked quite often what my secret is. How did I get to where I am now and, did I act a certain way or give up a piece of myself to get where I want to be, what is the secret of success for becoming a female executive?

Fine, I’ll tell you.

The answer to the long-awaited question is…it’s you.

The secret to success as a female executive is to just be you, whoever that is. You don’t have to be a “man in a man’s world” or overly female either. Be the same person you are at home in the office.

Women can make effective leaders and do not have to lose their femininity or gain masculinity to do it. You just have to be authentic and true to who you are, and that goes beyond your gender.

So, I’ll leave you with a few words of wisdom that you can refer to whenever you need a reminder of what the secret to success is:
– Don’t be afraid to share your passions.
– Be real with everyone you connect with.
– Assume you will win, no matter what.
– Have a “people first” mindset.

And, today’s challenge is to share your words of wisdom for others who might aspire to be in the position you are.

Looking forward to hearing what advice you would share.

Speak soon!

– Mary O’Donnell, President & CEO